Friday, 28 March 2014


In the past couple of weeks I've come to realise that I am quite lucky. I have friends, family and my lecturers. I'm doing what I want to do and I'm where I want to be. It was when I saw the picture below of Lambert that started to reminisce. When this picture was taken, four years ago, I was in Wembley watching the mighty Saintsfc. A was also doing my GCSEs and getting ready to go to college. Four years ago! 
Some cliche bits coming up now.

If you told me that in 2010 (jan/dec) I would have lost and regained friends, to then repeatedly do so until this year. That I would pass my GCSEs, just about. Gone to college. To then say 'but in four years time what you have gone through will pave the way for where you are now.' I wouldn't have believed you. 2010 seemed to be a big year. I left secondary school and had to start looking at the future which at the time was to become a teacher. The previous 5 years had been filled with mistakes, growing, learning and laughing, there was always a chance to make things better and we were past that stage where personalities and traits were beginning to grow. To this point now, it has dawned on me that this time next year I will be looking for my own place be it a house, flat, or shop for my business. I can't watch the smurfs or children's telly unless I have kids around. Easter doesn't grab me anymore, it's just chocolate and if anything it's either horrible chocolate or got a mug. In two months time I will be 20 and I feel like I have to grow up. Get a proper job and start a family. But in reality all I want to do is play football in the park or sleep...
I have to make pretty big decisions in the next few months as to what exactly I want to do. Be it mundane things as to whether to throw out my clothes or what to research for my dissertation to what to have for dinner. Life's big decisions. 

For now I want to live in the wake up when I want to, draw whatever with whatever, watch twilight over and over again. But I guess if I'm ready to grow up I might as well.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014



So in under an hour lent will begin. 
Lent is a religious season however due to modern living it seems everyone takes part in it. 

'Lent is a time when many Christians prepare for Easter by observing a period of fasting, repentance, moderation, and spiritual discipline. The purpose is to set aside time to reflect on Jesus Christ - his suffering and his life, death, burial and resurrection.' What is lent? By Mary Fairchild.

So in this modern day many people decide to give up luxury items such as alcohol, cigarettes and chocolate, the most clichéd. However I have picked ones that most likely to help me in the future as in for next year and some are just to see if I can actually go without.

I am 'lenting':
        🔻chocolate- just joining the cliché coach.
        🔻online shopping (except for uni)- I have seen myself buy online nearly every month, for useless stuff. I want to stop buying so much that ultimately won't help me and the small businesses around me
        🔻candles!?- I know what your thinking. But I'm am obsessed with candles. Maybe it's the fire or the scent either I have so many that if I didn't stop I could probably fill a room and still want more.
        🔻Spend less time online. Less time in bed (8 hrs maximum). Complete my to-do lists. 

I'm hoping that they will continue for longer than the 40 days especially the chocolate.

Hopefully a changed and determined woman.