Friday, 23 October 2015

Long time no speak.

Hi you lot...if there is anyone left.

I have been working on a lot of things like a new website and new products!!!

I will be leaving this page to go onto my new one...the posts will still be here just I won't be.

To keep up to date with what I'm doing please follow me on and on my Facebook page


Sunday, 19 April 2015

Money...Rent...The Future.

So this is only 13minutes but showcases the problem facing many of us, but especially me right now...for the last two years money has just been handed to landlords and I had no control over the actual amount or the right to check the meter that I have been in this house and been left in charge of looking at the bills just through understanding something on the paper and being here all the time, I have a better understanding about a new aspect to life that I'm going to need to know now. In this house right now there are three of us that makes its a bit easier on the bills but even then two of us don't need to worry about council tax yet and the internet is on its introductory amount, so come October that contract will be go unto double what we are paying for right now. And for someone who will predominantly rely on the internet for sales and contacting people it would end up being the first thing to go on the expenses will feel like being a student again...being on a budget and having to sacrifice things only thing different would be the big loan that appears every three months.

Through this new understanding I have found the biggest thing for me to have my dreams would be to work myself to death and never be able to live my dreams or be in charge of my own destiny just down to a stupid (yet majorly important) thing called MONEY!! And then to still do the thing that I want to do would involve someone making an extra day...a day that involved no work but just play. 

The only reason this struck a cord with my brain is because I am currently constantly thinking of my future and the fact that I ideally want to stay in Wales, for the opportunities but also because I have flown the nest for three years now...I don't want to go back home if I could help it but seeing as renting is getting more expensive and buying outright is a silly thing right now it looks like its the only option...other than living in a cave.

Now I know that this could spark something but ultimately the point that Rosie makes in this short clip is important in the sense that this type of thing doesn't get spoken about at the points in life when people are being set free, there are only books and leaflets on this subject and even then to fully understand some things it feels like you would need another degree in that alone.

I don't want to have to work to just be able to pay to live or work to be able to pay for working (transport and stuff) and have my passions put on the back burner otherwise what was the point in doing an Art degree?! So my only options really to be able to be happy is to live in a cave, find a millionaire, sell parts of my body or to go to bed and hope that when I wake this is all a dream and that the world isn't controlled by money!

As the well known proverb says "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."

Thanks for reading to the bottom if you did ha. x

Thursday, 12 February 2015


There are only three months left to get final designs drawn, products made and all dotting and crossing of i's and t's.
I'm sat here at 12:30am going through Pinterest (again) and old to do lists that never got finished mainly the repetitive house chores and the things I think I can leave till later. Later then being a month or so. But that is until I come across a pin with a quote about procrastination and doing work, blah, blah, blah. Its no secret that I like to procrastinate and often joke about having a degree in it over the one I am currently doing. So, with Pinterest still open I search for more procrastination quotes/pins, whilst procrastinating from cleaning my room. However, I find some inspirational quotes, like the four below. It makes me want to do my work too!
Three months isn't a lot of time to have a body of work done  products made, portfolio perfected, and for my three years here to come to an end. It's weird to think that the last three years all shows in the next three months and that as soon as I get settled I have to reassign myself to something new. The big wide world. As much as I feel ready, I don't want to leave.
This will be the first Christmas where I am not going to be in education of some sort. What am I going to do? As the symposium the other week helped me there are still a few things I have yet to decide upon. Mainly the issue of whether I go home and go back to the parents, or stay in Wales, or start somewhere completely new. Only time will tell really.
I know this has been a long and rambly post, but its only the beginning really. I always remember the people whom look at my blog and Facebook page and that I need to keep my profile unto date and so it begins now (again)(ha), The next few might not be as deep as this one though.

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Finished day two of the three day symposium here at Carmarthen School of Art @ Coleg Sir Gar, and as the photo of the cat suggests its definitely a feeling like this going around. Its given us plenty of food for thought and a few decisions have been made and inspiration has been spread. A few things have been set in place for the future and also a lot of unanswered questions to battle through after the process is done. Other than that its been a productive time and its safe to say Happy Hump Day.

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Mono printing

With this method a unique print is produced from a surface. Mono print is different to the other printing processes in that to prepare the print all that is needed is simply to roll a firm, flat surface such as glass, stone or metal with a thin layer of printing ink. Then apply a little pressure and a print it produced. Monoprints give interesting, experimental and unusual results, and need only basic tools and equipment to produce. The following materials are all used with this technique: water-based and oil-based ink, pencils, paintbrushes, masking tape, lots of different paper and card, rags, a roller, string, hand burnishers, and smooth flat surface for printing such as glass, stone or metal. Use vegetable oil to clean oil-based ink.
Roll a thin layer of ink over the printing surface, then cover with paper and draw. When the paper is pealed away an impression in reverse of the drawn image is transferred from the inked surface to the paper. This can be repeated and redrawn in several colours, either at random, or in lines drawn through paper, or on paper laid on the inked surface and burnished. whenever the paper is peeled back a different image will have been transferred from the inked surface to the paper. Any drawing utensil will produce a print: a pencil or a piece of stick, the blunt side of a knife, the tip of a spoon or the top of a paintbrush. The more heavily the drawn line is pressed, the more textured it will be. Moreover, different papers have different effects; for example, thin paper is less textured. Although a one off print, several variations can be produced. the first print is a positive, but if printed again it becomes a negative.
Textured paper, small pieces of fabric, as well as string or sandpaper laid on the inked surface will print on the paper as well as the inked surface. Reprint, add and take away marks with a cloth, and print again. areas can also be masked with paper pieces. Water-based or oil-based ink can be painted directly onto the surface and burnished. Finally, the prints can be used as part of a collage, cut up and put back together.
Monoprint is an experimental process where lots of ideas can be carried across into other printing methods.

Saturday, 20 September 2014

Autumn/Spring Fair, Birmingham.

Bi-annually there is a trade show in Birmingham. I hope to one day exhibit my stuff here for the general public to buy for their shops up and down the country. I couldn't make it to the Autumn Fair this time due to the only thing students complain about (money).

Even though the Spring Fair was agonisingly spaced out (below), I was very inspired and met wonderful people and met people with possible job opportunities that just require me to graduate.

Oh well...its good to think big, a bit unrealistic right now though.

Monday, 15 September 2014

dissertation reading.

Before I left in June we were all told about the amount of reading and how much prep we need to do ready for a great return in September for our dissertation (really long essay [ ] excuse the swearing*)

This is my starting point, these pictures don't justify it so the next one will show how thick the books are. Most of these also help with my practical work two birds and all that! The books below are just the first selection and 'order' of library books.

*Jack Howard, Youtube.
**side note...I'm really enjoying writing these blogposts.

So its adios for now, I have few posts drafted so look out for them and also now that I am back in uni the books I have read/looked at the pretty pictures might help me. Ha x

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

The Black Country; Aston Villa, Birmingham City, Walsall, West Bromich Albion and Wolverhampton Wanders.

In the Black Country you wouldn't have thought that there is a massive football following, enough to warrant at least five stadiums to be in a close proximity. Whenever I have gone to the Black Country I have always just seen the working side, the factories and small businesses and family atmosphere, so therefore going for the day I didn't realise that in the middle of all these little businesses is the giant stadiums that clearly help the businesses to stay afloat.
For my dissertation I have started to look at the political and economics of the stadium buildings. For instance in this certain area the political stance of a stadium doesn't mean anything but then when you look at it from an economical sense you can see that people come along and watch the sports and then support smaller businesses (which is always good thing)
The five stadiums I visited all have different structures and layouts, like a fingerprint.  I began the day with a trip to the home of the Wolves. Then onto Bank's Stadium which houses Walsall then back onto the M6 to West Bromwich Albion that then lead to Villa Park (which has a glorious looking stand) and I then ended the day in the rain at Birmingham City's St Andrew's Stadium. (bad accent done in my head whilst typing Birmingham, ha).
I've been sat on these images for a few weeks now and I can finally go through and edit them and draw from them. The next trip I have planned is a trip to see the Millennium Stadium, Cardiff and then the Bluebirds themselves at Cardiff City Stadium and that will be next week along with another blog post on something else.

Monday, 11 August 2014

Southampton FC

For my third year project I am starting by looking at football stadiums. Mixing my two favourite things, Textiles/printmaking with football. In the first image is a picture of the stuff I took on the trip down to Southampton. Where else would I start my journey than a fond childhood memory of every other Saturday afternoon cheering on the mighty Saints. This time I wasn't there to watch a match but to take in the sea air and take a couple of snaps, well about 100 snaps.
 The two cameras in the image above are my favourite ones as one is an digital slr which is easy for editing high resolution photos like the first image below. Then the Pentax is my 35mm film camera and the photos for that came out really well (second image below). My theory behind using the Pentax is that I can use my past experience in a dark room, once back in uni I can manipulate and print the image onto other materials and explore other things to do with printmaking other than my one favourite method of Mono-printing.
This side of the stadium is the only side you can see without driving around and having to get a ticket. Formerly known as The Friends Provident St Mary's Stadium opened in 2001 and can hold over 32,000 supporters. 

The only problem with not being in Uni and having access to a dark room is that I had to wait two days to get my film back (I chose the right film, ha) so it felt like it was christmas going to Boots and opening up the sleeve of 36 beautiful black and white photos, above.
This is only the beginning really, the next post will include images taken from another trip to the 'black country' and around that area.

Thanks. x

Thursday, 17 July 2014

Better late than never.

Thursday 17th July. Sat in Cafe Nero just for their wifi and coffee. Getting my life organised. 
In less than two months I will be back in uni as a third year. Scary.

Since the last time I said anything to you lot on here, sorry, I have been busy busy busy. Set up the show with the third years. Spent a couple of days covered in paint. My turn this year (eek)! Actually finished the brief on love tokens and was so proud of what came out of the months of crying and arguing with myself and others (sorry Cath). Got amazing grades back. Went home and spent two weeks knitting.

In between knitting and sleeping (and other major human needs) I have been thinking and writing down many messed up notes of what I need to do in these last two months of 'summer'. It all involves money and time. Which just seems to be disappearing. I have also gotten myself a small placement here in Carmarthen which involves painting and knitting and general shop work which is what I want to go into when I finish my degree. And I thought that I had finished painting when the show was all finished. Ha! 

In amongst all if this I have the task of moving house again. So it is a good chance to find out that I have too much stuff and that it is mainly fabric and wool. Infact three boxes of wool! 😳

I'm now getting exited about third year, as much as I will be sad to leave carmarthen and leave behind many lovely people I'm sure I'll find my way back here from time to time and that this last year is going to be the best one yet. 

Now back to unpacking to pack again and then unpack. 


Tuesday, 1 April 2014

RIP Miriam.

A beautiful design/maker of chunky knitwear in blue faced Leicester and hand spun yarn. Will be sorely missed in the textiles department and fashion department. 

Share your talent with the angels above now Miriam.

Friday, 28 March 2014


In the past couple of weeks I've come to realise that I am quite lucky. I have friends, family and my lecturers. I'm doing what I want to do and I'm where I want to be. It was when I saw the picture below of Lambert that started to reminisce. When this picture was taken, four years ago, I was in Wembley watching the mighty Saintsfc. A was also doing my GCSEs and getting ready to go to college. Four years ago! 
Some cliche bits coming up now.

If you told me that in 2010 (jan/dec) I would have lost and regained friends, to then repeatedly do so until this year. That I would pass my GCSEs, just about. Gone to college. To then say 'but in four years time what you have gone through will pave the way for where you are now.' I wouldn't have believed you. 2010 seemed to be a big year. I left secondary school and had to start looking at the future which at the time was to become a teacher. The previous 5 years had been filled with mistakes, growing, learning and laughing, there was always a chance to make things better and we were past that stage where personalities and traits were beginning to grow. To this point now, it has dawned on me that this time next year I will be looking for my own place be it a house, flat, or shop for my business. I can't watch the smurfs or children's telly unless I have kids around. Easter doesn't grab me anymore, it's just chocolate and if anything it's either horrible chocolate or got a mug. In two months time I will be 20 and I feel like I have to grow up. Get a proper job and start a family. But in reality all I want to do is play football in the park or sleep...
I have to make pretty big decisions in the next few months as to what exactly I want to do. Be it mundane things as to whether to throw out my clothes or what to research for my dissertation to what to have for dinner. Life's big decisions. 

For now I want to live in the wake up when I want to, draw whatever with whatever, watch twilight over and over again. But I guess if I'm ready to grow up I might as well.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014



So in under an hour lent will begin. 
Lent is a religious season however due to modern living it seems everyone takes part in it. 

'Lent is a time when many Christians prepare for Easter by observing a period of fasting, repentance, moderation, and spiritual discipline. The purpose is to set aside time to reflect on Jesus Christ - his suffering and his life, death, burial and resurrection.' What is lent? By Mary Fairchild.

So in this modern day many people decide to give up luxury items such as alcohol, cigarettes and chocolate, the most clichéd. However I have picked ones that most likely to help me in the future as in for next year and some are just to see if I can actually go without.

I am 'lenting':
        🔻chocolate- just joining the cliché coach.
        🔻online shopping (except for uni)- I have seen myself buy online nearly every month, for useless stuff. I want to stop buying so much that ultimately won't help me and the small businesses around me
        🔻candles!?- I know what your thinking. But I'm am obsessed with candles. Maybe it's the fire or the scent either I have so many that if I didn't stop I could probably fill a room and still want more.
        🔻Spend less time online. Less time in bed (8 hrs maximum). Complete my to-do lists. 

I'm hoping that they will continue for longer than the 40 days especially the chocolate.

Hopefully a changed and determined woman.