Monday, 11 August 2014

Southampton FC

For my third year project I am starting by looking at football stadiums. Mixing my two favourite things, Textiles/printmaking with football. In the first image is a picture of the stuff I took on the trip down to Southampton. Where else would I start my journey than a fond childhood memory of every other Saturday afternoon cheering on the mighty Saints. This time I wasn't there to watch a match but to take in the sea air and take a couple of snaps, well about 100 snaps.
 The two cameras in the image above are my favourite ones as one is an digital slr which is easy for editing high resolution photos like the first image below. Then the Pentax is my 35mm film camera and the photos for that came out really well (second image below). My theory behind using the Pentax is that I can use my past experience in a dark room, once back in uni I can manipulate and print the image onto other materials and explore other things to do with printmaking other than my one favourite method of Mono-printing.
This side of the stadium is the only side you can see without driving around and having to get a ticket. Formerly known as The Friends Provident St Mary's Stadium opened in 2001 and can hold over 32,000 supporters. 

The only problem with not being in Uni and having access to a dark room is that I had to wait two days to get my film back (I chose the right film, ha) so it felt like it was christmas going to Boots and opening up the sleeve of 36 beautiful black and white photos, above.
This is only the beginning really, the next post will include images taken from another trip to the 'black country' and around that area.

Thanks. x

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